Protection of Kayadhu’s Pregnancy

In the Mandarachala region, Hiranyakashipu began a severe penance to please the four-faced Brahma. Meanwhile, knowing that the demon king had gone for penance, Indra, along with other gods, conquered the demon kingdom. Learning that the queen of the demon emperor, Kayadhu, was pregnant, Indra intended to destroy the unborn child, thinking it should not be left as a remnant of the enemy. He captured the helpless and defenseless Kayadhu and took her away.

At the same time, by divine intervention, Sage Narada arrived there, singing the glory of God. Knowing that Indra had captured Kayadhu, Narada advised him, explaining that the child in Kayadhu's womb was a great devotee of Vishnu, filled with divine energy, and that no one in the world could harm him. This devotee of Lord Vishnu would be the cause of welfare for the gods and the entire world. Thus, he convinced Indra to spare the unborn child. Indra, realizing the truth in Narada's words, paid his respects to Kayadhu and the unborn child, who was the incarnation of Vayu, and left.

Kayadhu, filled with joy, thanked Narada, 'O kind sage, you came at the right time and saved me and my unborn child. I offer you my endless gratitude.' Narada replied, 'Daughter, your troubles are over. Do not worry. Stay happily in my ashram, engaged in devotional activities until your husband returns from his penance.' He then took her to his ashram.

In Narada's ashram, Queen Kayadhu spent her time joyfully. Her mind gradually became purified in the company of the sage's wives. Waking up early in the dawn, bathing in the river with them, she would immerse herself in the devotion of God, forgetting all worldly concerns. Despite attempts to stop her, she willingly helped in arranging the necessary items for Narada's daily rituals and worship. She actively participated in serving Lord Hari without any discontent. With utmost respect and dedication in serving the elders, she followed strict discipline, fasting, and observance of religious practices. Kayadhu, like a yogini and ascetic, was a paragon of virtue.

Indeed, as the mother of a great devotee of Lord Vishnu, it was natural for her actions, thoughts, and behavior to be of the highest order. The sage's wives were astonished by her virtues, humility, devotion, and solemnity. Even Sage Narada was charmed by her pure mind, devotion, and service. Pleased with her good conduct and service, the divine sage showed paternal affection towards her. He narrated stories of the supreme soul, its great deeds, divine plays, and the essence of Lord Hari from the Puranas, enlightening her. Thus, Queen Kayadhu, in Narada's ashram, spent her days filled with righteous conduct and positive attitudes.